Quality Policy


Redleaf Solutions Limited is committed to providing Installation, Monitoring and Technical Support Services for high-tech infrastructure services focused on ELV & Security Solutions, Safety & Protection Solutions, Building Automation Solutions, ICT &Telecommunication Solutions, Energy Management Solutions and Professional Engineering Services to our clients, based on our values of


  • Quality
  • Professionalism
  • Excellence
  • Innovation
  • Integrity


To achieve this objective and our aim to uphold our position as an industry leader, we will maintain an effective and efficient Quality Management System based upon the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 to demonstrate, externally and internally, our commitment to delivering local services to global standards.


In furtherance of this resolve, Redleaf Solutions Limited is committed to:

  • Ensuring our clients’ service requirements, including all unstated service application requirements, are identified, documented, and fulfilled.
  • Setting measurable objectives that will help achieve customer requirements and enhance customer satisfaction
  • Ensuring all our staff have the appropriate qualifications for the work they do for our clients, including drawing on a worldwide talent pool, and ongoing capacity development programme.
  • Proactively seeking feedback from customers on how well our products and services meet their requirements to enable us to set objectives for continual improvement
  • Periodically reviewing, monitoring, and assessing the effectiveness of our quality policy, business processes and objectives through Management Reviews and internal audits
  • Analysing the causes of any complaint or problem, and taking appropriate action to prevent a recurrence
  • Selecting and working closely with external providers who enable us to create and deliver a reliable performance
  • Providing a work environment that promotes the well-being of our employees and encourages positive teamwork
  • Encouraging all employees to identify problems and make suggestions to improve all aspects of our services and business processes
  • Ensuring that all employees and other interested parties are aware of the Quality Policy and are committed to the effective implementation of the Quality Management System
  • Ensuring that we continuously comply with all relevant regulatory and legal requirements.


The continual improvement of Redleaf Solutions Limited’s Quality Management System is fundamental to the success of its business and must be supported by all employees as an integral part of their daily work.